DITECH CZ s.r.o. operates in the area of conventional machinery and equipment for the feed industry and also in the design and manufacturing of purpose-specific machinery. The company has 10 employees, who, if required, cooperate with other entities.
DITECH CZ s.r.o. was founded in January 2005 as a subsidiary of DIBAQ a.s. (www.dibaq.cz) through the separation of machine production and the maintenance centre and facilities producing granulated and extruded feeds. The centre had existed since 1997, when the company owner at the time, Zdeněk Štěpánek, opened a mechanical workshop in order to develop and implement in-house technologies and to pursue the company’s investment goals.
The parent company Dibaq a.s. is a specialised animal nutrition firm operating on the Czech market since 1992, originally under the name FITMIN a.s., as a part of one of the leading global manufacturers and suppliers of food for pets, domestic animals and livestock. The parent company has established very close and mutually beneficial cooperation with its subsidiary - DITECH provides continuous maintenance of all the equipment supplied to Dibaq a.s. and, at the same time, has the opportunity to test, evaluate and constantly improve its equipment in the conditions of actual continuous operation.
DITECH CZ s.r.o. is a dynamic low-cost company and a reliable partner which is able to offer and implement any requirement by the customer within the scope of our business – from the smallest individual orders to “custom made” technological units.
Company DITECH CZ Ltd. is since December 2013 certified DIN EN ISO 9001:2009 for the manufacture and operation of machines and equipment.
 Certifikat ISO CZ   Certifikat ISO EN

Copyright © 2012 - 2019 Ditech CZ s.r.o. | Dibaq a.s. | Fitmin